
Biblical Answers to Tough Questions

People have lots of tough questions about Christianity, and some of them can be tough to answer. In this series, we try to tackle some of them.


Can Science and Christianity Coexist?


Adam Kelley


June 9, 2024

Does modern science rule out the possibility of the supernatural? Are science and Christianity destined to clash?

In our modern confrontational environment, you don't have to look far for an argument that science and Christianity are not only incompatible, but cannot even coexist. Is this true? Lets take a look into this assertion and see.

Adam was born and raised on a small dairy farm in Glenford, OH. He accepted Christ at a local VBS at a young age. He has a B.A. in English with a Communications minor and a B.S. in Information Technology. He works as a programmer and serves on the Zoning Commission for Etna Township. He lives in Etna with his wife. They have two awesome adult children who are also following the Lord. If you're looking for him, you can probably find him camping or playing disc golf. He has been teaching the Bible since 2002 and his wife Dawn have been leading a home church in their home since 2011.

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